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MCOA is seeking RFPs (Requests For Proposals) from COAs for initiatives prioritized by our Membership and approved by EOEA.

We anticipate awarding 22 grants in the amount of $8,000 each for FY23!

The initiatives are:

  • Development and implementation of Outreach and Marketing of your COA to older adults and caregivers
  • Becoming the “Talk of the Town”.
  • Educating and connecting Family Caregivers.
  • Caregiver respite services or scholarships

All work must be completed by June 30, 2023.

Applications are due by 4 PM Wednesday November 30, 2022. See the details about this opportunity and the application instructions in the RFP for how to submit an application.

Read Full RFP

Recording of the Bidder’s Conference 11-9-2022

FY23 SIG Field Demo Projects Q and A from Bidders Conference