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Nutrition Community Checklist Self-Assessment



Older black could cooking in the kitchen
In This Section:

Nutrition News You Can Use

Organized by month, MCOA’s Simmons University nutrition intern, Suzanne Reasenberg, provides summaries of nutrients, disease prevention methods and health observances. COAs are welcome to copy and paste all or parts of the information provided. This includes the color photos (and credits) available at the end of each article. Shorten the copy to fit in your newsletter! Grab a bullet or two to use on social media! Use that month’s message with programming activities! Use them sporadically or all in a year-long series. View them here.

Cooking as Self-Care

Considering all we went through in 2020, it is MCOA’s hope these sessions provide some relief from older adult malnutrition and social isolation. Your feedback is welcome along the way. Encourage your local community access channel to schedule the Cooking as Self Care (CASC) segments. Each show runs under 30 minutes and can be found and downloaded from Massachusetts Media eXchange (MMX). MMX is a video sharing platform hosted by MassAccess for the use of community media stations across the Commonwealth. For more information, visit

Januaryvideo, recipe handout, MA-Grown Produce Availability calendar
Februaryvideo, recipe handout, African Heritage Diet food list, Bowl Template, MA-Grown Produce Availability calendar
Marchvideo, recipe handout, MA-Grown Produce Availability calendar
Aprilvideo, recipe handout, Blue Zones meal planner, Food Safety and Eating Out, Global Foods for a Healthy Plate

Assorted Resources

Grandfamilies/Kinship Families Federal Nutrition Fact Sheet

Nutrition Community Checklist Self-Assessment

Considerations for Senior Nutrition Programs, Signage & Communication Resources, Resources List

Nutrition and Brain Health – Membership Meeting 2.10.21

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 (Chapter 6 Older Adults, p.121)

Stepping up Your Nutrition (SUYN) – This 30-minute online SUYN Leader training will provide you with the skills and resources to educate and motivate community-dwelling older adults to prevent or lower their malnutrition risk, identify malnutrition risk and refer at-risk older adults to community-based resources. After completing the online training, SUYN Leaders will be able to deliver the interactive workshop for older adults. Get trained now and run the program virtually during the pandemic or in person in the future!  Contact for coupon code to cover the cost of the training, program and marketing materials for 1-2 people per COA.

Shelf-Stable Food Box List (xls file)


Statewide Nutrition Program 6.24.2020 – Slide Deck, Community Scan (word doc)

MA Commission on Malnutrition Prevention Among Older Adults annual reports: 2020 Annual Report, 2019 Annual Report, 2018 Annual Report

Defeat Malnutrition Today (DMT)